We've been so stoked to work with some of our best friends and favorite bands on this compilation. Huge thank you to everyone involved and everyone who stumbles upon this, we hope it makes your day.
All contributions made will be donated to The Trevor Project, a 24/7 s*icide prevention and crisis intervention service for LGBTQ+ youth.
released July 3, 2018
Where can I check out and support the fantastic artists involved?
Gloom - You've made it! You're here! This is us :)
Troubled Minds - troubledminds.bandcamp.com
Settler - settler.bandcamp.com
Great Grandpa - greatgrandpa.bandcamp.com
Smol Data - smoldata.bandcamp.com
Granddad - granddad.bandcamp.com
Ketamine Cat - ketaminecat.bandcamp.com
Jim Shorts - jimshortsband.bandcamp.com
When is Sunset -
No Lungs - nolungs.bandcamp.com
Seacats - seacats.bandcamp.com
Artwork by Ollie Jones @brandpoisoning